There are a bazillion different types of Technology out there in the world.

Which makes it impossible for anyone to keep up with it all. 

So, to make sure we can deliver world-class, fast, amazing service – we constantly work towards helping all of our clients use the Technology we know and love the best (we call this our Recommended Technology Platform or RTP for short).

We aim for all of our clients to use as much of our RTP as possible and we make sure we maintain deep knowledge and training on everything in our RTP so we can keep your IT Infrastructure nicely integrated, fast to support and world-class!

Plus, we eat our own dog food by using everything on the RTP in our own business!

  • Microsoft 365

  • Microsoft Azure

  • Microsoft Servers

  • Microsoft Hyper-V

  • Dell Servers & Storage

  • Dell Desktops & Laptops

  • Dell Switches

  • Brother and Xerox Printers

  • Wireless Access Points

  • Sonicwall Routers & Firewalls

  • Microsoft Office 2019 and Above

  • Microsoft Windows 10 and Above

  • OIT Phone Systems

  • Cisco IP Phones

Whilst we work hard to stay trained and up to date in all of the above Technology, we know that from time to time, you’ll need help with something that’s not on the list. 

When this happens, just bear in mind that it may take us some extra time to familiarize ourselves with supporting that product. 

But take solace that we are still world class at troubleshooting other products, so we’ll be able to work it out!

Also, please keep in mind that whilst we may be able to purchase items from other vendors that we don’t list above, any support may end up being Out of Scope for your Fixed Fee Support Agreement and incur some extra costs. We’ll always let you know beforehand though